As a parent, you want the best for your child, especially when it comes to their development and well-being. If your child is receiving speech therapy, you may be considering Telehealth appointments but are hesitant due to the perception that online sessions might not be as effective as traditional face-to-face therapy.
Speech Therapy Approaches for Late Talkers
From early childhood onwards, communication is a central part of life. We use language to share thoughts and feelings with others, and we also speak as a way to connect and make friends.
Understanding Childhood Speech Development
Speech development is a natural part of childhood. Most kids learn to talk progressively over many months, from pre-language sounds to first words, sentences, and complex language concepts.
Neurodiversity Terms to Know
Refers to having a style of brain functioning that falls within the societal
standards of ‘normal’.
Neurodiversity Affirming Practice
Neurodiversity is a concept that regards differences in brain function and behaviour as part of the natural variation of the human population (Fung, 2011).