25 Jan Stuttering Information WHAT IS STUTTERING: Stuttering is a speech disorder that causes interruptions in the rhythm or flow of speech. The 3 types of stuttering are developmental stuttering, neurogenic stuttering, andpsychogenic stuttering. The exact cause of stuttering is unknown. If a child has been stuttering for less than 6 months, it may resolve on its own. If a child has been stuttering for 6-12 months and is showing risk factors, therapy may be required. If a child has been stuttering for 12 months or more, therapy may be required. TYPES OF DISFLUENCIES WITH STUTTERING: Part-word repetitions: That is m-m-m-mine Syllable word repetitions: Go-go-go away Prolonged sounds: Mmmmilk Blocks or stops: I want (pause) that TYPICAL DISFLUENCIES LESS LIKELY TO BE A STUTTER: Adding interjections: I um need to go Repeating phrases: “We will, we will go” Revising or changing words in a sentence: Ineed – I lost my toy” Not finishing a thought: “I put it… I can’tremember.” RISK FACTORS FROM GREATEST TO LEAST: